Adventure on Saturn


Frank Yi-Feng Huang

March 28, 2000

Reeds Ferry School, Merrimack, NH

Dedicated to

Kevin Fan, my best friend,

and the rest of my family:

Tina, Yawen, and Jin-Biao.

Chapter 1 Journey to Saturn

Saturn was made when aliens came to the solar system. They landed on a meteor and stopped it with a little gismo. Then they started to build it outward. That is how Saturn was born. Saturn has a lot of anti-hydro-minox-aloe-ide and the earth is running out. That is when you come in, you have been commanded to go explore Saturn’s rings in order to get more anti-hydro-minox-aloe-ide.

But due to technology-break and the “Y10k bug” you weren’t able to teleport to Saturn. So instead, you had to use the “old technology”, the rocket. They had improved on the rocket in the past few years so you could get to wherever you wanted faster. But before you went, scientists and astronomers warned you: there was a war on Saturn, so be prepared. Humans had went there before and they built space city groups. There are Group A, where you’re going, and Group B, a larger and more complicated group. Group B consists of aliens like humans. Now that you have all the information you need. You are ready to take off. What an exiting journey this is going to be! (though not the war)

Chapter 2 Group A on Saturn

But it wasn’t that exiting. They had added the wrong things, so the rocket went slower rather than faster. When you got there, it was nearly 5 years since you took off!

Once you arrived, you started looking for Group A. You see signs that say ES City and Super City, but you don’t know whether they’re part of Group A or B. And then you noticed something, there were bugs out on the blackness of space! You looked around, there were a huge bug who was carrying some kind of “Earth Cam” and a small one holding signs. And then you saw it, a bug carrying a sign that said GROUP A --> <--GROUP B. So you went in the direction of Group A and finally you got there. It was like a cool nightmare. 100 fireball guns were mounted on core magnets that attracted cores, but these didn’t work at the time.

Just after you arrived, the people in Group A asked you questions like ”How did you get here?”, and ”What’s your name?” They showed you how to work the fireball gun. Of course, there were personal mini-jets and hover boards for the war too. You got a hover board only because they wanted to have you in the war. “But why didn’t I get a personal mini-jet?” you wondered. Soon you found out. Hover boards were free but mini-jets cost 31 kernels (space money). You only had American money. Mini-jets also had very efficient and dangerous engines that released fumes you weren’t used to. They said “you need to drink this potion and earn some kernels to get a mini-jet”. You told them you’d drink the potion later. But before you did anything else you went to get a job.

Chapter 3 Your Job in the AP (Amusement Park)

Getting a job wasn’t easy enough, you had to pay 10 kernels and complete a training session in about 30 days. You were almost lucky once when you went for a spaceship trainer job. There was one problem that made you so un-fortunate, and that problem was that you didn’t have 10 kernels. You looked around for an American money-Kernel exchange post but there wasn’t one. You didn’t have to wait for a long time for your lucky day......

Your lucky day came quickly. How quickly? Ask the reader (in other words, the other you). <I have no idea>. It came like tomorrow. You found a space amusement park that you didn’t have to pay anything for a part time job. This - of course- was the only amusement park in Group A. So you decided to start this job. This amusement park was much better than earth’s. It had microwave roller coasters, super fast snowmobile rides, ice riding, rock diving, everything! Now when you went in, you said that you’d take the job and you fainted.

When you awoke, it was much more different from before. The core magnets were heating up and ready to go. The fireball guns were shooting like crazy, and many people were up in the air. You thought you should go up too. So you got on your hover board and started to the war. You had to avoid missiles, fireballs, and beams. In the sky, you met someone who lent you a guide named: Flobberglob. Flobberglob was a nice little man and he knew everything so well. He even knew some “un-visible” places. One of them is the underground core laboratory that hardly anyone knew about.

Then you remembered something......, your job. You asked Flobberglob if he knew something about this amusement park. He said “of course I know something about this amusement park, I know everything!” But before you went back to the AP (amusement park), you had to get a hotel. A hotel wasn’t always free, but there were a few free ones. You went in a free one near the AP. Then you, (I forgot to tell you your name), your name is Mike, went to the AP and started your job.

When you signed up, you received a schedule telling you what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. On your schedule, you saw that you had the mega-blaster first. The mega-blaster is a high power super gun that kids use to blast open rocks and reveal prizes. Some of the prizes were: teleportation pods, hyper beams, and buzzers, ...

Prize description. Teleportation pods - teleport you within the 1000 mile limit. Hyper beams - used to blast open stuff. Buzzers - can buzz when commanded by thought. ......

These prizes were hard to get because the rocks were very sturdy and you needed to blast to open the rocks without destroying the prize inside. Some prizes were very valuable and therefore very rare. Some others were common. Most people would think that they’d get a rare prize but would often ended up getting common or uncommon prizes. And so those are the prizes and the information. Now let’s get back to our story.

Chapter 4 The Space Lander 3000

As you know, you are working at the mega-blaster helping people and giving out prizes. But there was one thing that you didn’t notice...

The thing that you didn’t notice was that there was a spaceship about to crash on the AP. In fact, nobody noticed it except some people on the flyers racers. I also might add that you are wondering how you can breath? Well, it’s like this. Group A and Group B, before the war, worked together to make an oxygen wave machine that emits air in the form of oxygen waves. Now back to our story. The spaceship had already crashed because we used some time to explain the “air”. The spaceship (Space Lander 3000) crashed on a obstacle course stadium and a satellite was drifting around. An outdoor wrestling stadium

next to the obstacle coarse stadium blew up and its teleport elevator crashed into the satellite that the “Space Lander 3000” accidentally released. The satellite (Polar Lander) had bounced off the tele-elevator and smashed into the magic show theater. The magic show theater had space saws, the orber, the man in the box and many more tricks that have been destroyed. And because of all the destruction, the owner of the amusement park said he’d pay double the usual price to any worker that helps repair the damage done by the “Space Lander 3000”. But the damage was incredible. The owner gave you and the others repair blasters - little guns that could repair just about anything. The only problem, though was the y10k bug. It prevented the repair blasters from working correctly and so sometimes the repair blasters damaged instead of repairing. But it wasn’t long until you found out a way of making the repair blaster work correctly. That way was to open the blaster, take out the bug (y10k bug) without letting it bite you, throw it into an invulnerable grinder and watch. The y10k bug would get tossed, smashed, squashed, grinded, and otherwise cut into 1000 milli-bits. You could eat the bug for desert but I would suggest not.

And that reminds me - you had a big feast when you were done with your job. You had earned 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,321,997,102 Kernels. The feast consisted of different foods, and different drinks that you weren’t used to, but they were okay. You had a mini-jet and that meant that you could go just about anywhere. The kernels you earned made it possible to buy anything.

Chapter 5 Weapon And Anti-Hydro-Minox-Aloe-Ide

Another good thing - Group A was winning the war because of the stuff you took with you on the rocket. The stuff were a small rocket, laser travel pods, high jump shoes, jet power roller skates, electron jets, electric ball guns, jet shoes, jet packs, a radar wave rocket, a spinner, a big monster, a rock band, and hydrogen CDs. (The rocket you came to Saturn in was really big). You didn’t help in the war much, but now you decided to help with all the new stuff that you got. Before you went in the war though, you asked Flobberglob to take you to the nearest weapon store so you could buy some weapons. You also asked Flobberglob to take you to core lab after you buy a XX35 mega-rifle. But when you got to the nearest weapon store (Cyber Ws), they were all out of XX35s. So you bought a hydro-metered-pump cannon that cost 50 Kernels (25 for the gun, 25 for the meter). This gun is just about as good as the XX35, though it costs about 50 to 75 Kernels less than the XX35. The hydro pump cannon was strap-onable and could be accessed at any time or when necessary. And for the anti-hydro-minox-aloe-ide, well, for 100 kernels, the people in Group A sold you 1,000,000,000,000,000 tons of anti-hydro-minox-aloe-ide.

Chapter 6 The War

For the war, well, you went to the core lab, drank the potion and you packed everything you needed in your mini-jet and took off at the nearest airport. The airport was called “The-Air-Take-Off Station”. There were only 3 airports in Group A, but they were all very good in design, in quality, in convenience, and in size and range. The only thing that make the airport very good but not excellent, was that the airport didn’t have launchers - little pads that launch anything into the air, ... it does seem weird that they had all this stuff, they started it in the year 3000.... But aside from the launchers, it was the best airport in the whole universe.

And so much for the information. Anyway, when you took off, you found a fault in one of your engines, and the mini-jet spiraled upward, fell down, curved upward (the engine gave a small grunt) and shot downward; ... Good thing the defense mechanism and auto-ejection was on ... and crashed with a sickening crunch. The mini-jet also exploded, but you were ejected from the mini-jet before that. You had to order another mini-jet (model 35X39, your old one was a 15X20), check it for faults, test and fly. Now this flight was smooth. There were no bumps, stops, slight curves, or anything else. Plus this 35X39 MJ (mini-jet) has a whole arsenal made up of over 50 offensive weapons and defensive shields. There were also sucker shields (SS) and sucker weapons (SW) (about 50 of them), that sucked up the enemy’s stuff and power. (The power is used for powered weapons). The SSs/SWs don’t work very well, though. That is why they’re “suckers”. SSs/SWs also can hold off on opponent for at least 10 seconds. The best ones (shields) can even hold them (enemies) off forever, as long as the SSs is in contact with the enemy. The SWs, on the other hand, explode, engulf, or cover the enemy, and then suck-out a little power / a thing, then come back to you, and give it to you. Of course, when you get a thing, you get a limit of how many times you can use it. Another bad thing is that the limit is around 50 times. And each time you use it is weaker than the last time (weapons only).

And so, while you traveled, exploring Saturn’s rings, you saw a Group B mini-jet X3976N. This X3976N is a very powerful mini-jet and therefore has an arsenal of over 1,000 weapons and shields. Also some of the shields can do damage while protecting the ship that uses it (the shield) itself. This X3976N can even do an agility. But so because you detected that the X3976N had agility, you shot a sucker missile (cybershooter). The cybershooter stopped in midair but you knew it was normal. Then the cybershooter ejected two halves of a tremendous ball. The tremendous ball (the strainer) then closed around the X3976N. You typed 86NABZY on your keyboard and then the strainer started whirring and shaking and bouncing and anything else that you can think of. Then the ball sucked up the X3976N’s agility. The agility attack can send an opponent flying. The agility attack can also help you avoid attacks. Now of course, that you have agility, you started attacking with it. The first time you used it you didn’t know the code yet. So you typed in AGILITY CODE 1246816357910 and the computer gave you AGC12345. It was very powerful and the X3976N got punched away. But you didn’t care it, didn’t make much of a difference.

You got out of your mini-jet (35X39) and started walking because on the radar screen of the 35X39 you saw that you were less than s foot from Group B, but you didn’t see anything. You packed up your mini-jet and set off. You came across a staircase once but you were looking for Group B. Then you came across an identical staircase and you looked up, up on the floor of Group B. You stayed there-astounded. But you stayed still a second too long. Just then the X3976N that you smashed with agility flew back to Group B unharmed. Then the 3976N headed straight for you and using its agility at the same time. You almost got hit but you had more pressing matters to deal with. Group B was coming down. Until then, you hadn’t noticed that Group B was set on hydro-pistons. And then you ran, ran until you were out of the way. By then Group B was already 2 feet lower than it was 30 seconds ago. It was lowering slowly, slowly from its before position. But when Group B lowered all the way down you saw things that look like humans. But you knew that these have half human and half alien brains. Group B itself wasn’t pretty sight. There were weapon malls, blood container stores, squashers, mega tractor malls, smashers, and anything else disgusting you can think of. I don’t even want to describe them.

Anyway, when the Group B people saw you (Group B people are called Haliens - Group A, peoplie), they started to take out their weapons. But you were too fast for them. You pulled out your hydro-pump cannon (I’ll call it HYBT) and began figuring out how to make it work and all the while firing short blasts of pressurized water. Once you think you saw a button compartment but that was only a push-button. You kept wondering if you should press it. In about 30 seconds, you decided you should press it. When you pressed it though, the effect is not what you expected. Two hydro blasters shot out of the sides of the HYBT. An electronic aiming device came out of the top of the HYBT. About 10 or so buttons popped out of the back of the meter that had already swung open. Also came out a list of codes that you typed to use the attacks the HYBT had. You read the first code on the list. You read number one hydro-pump *** HPQR3. You quickly pressed HPQR3, and at the same time, dodging a blast from a cyber- pump. Then you squeezed the trigger... Bam! Whoosh! Splash! Pow! Bam!-Bam!-Bam! The hydro-pump was spectacular. Two Haliens were blasted off their feet and pushed into air. And they cracked an observatory. You were about to blast open an office tower when the leader of Group B arrived. But you didn’t feel afraid and you aimed your HYBT at the leader and shot. But the leader just wiped the water away. He said “you’ll have to do better than that to even hurt me”, and he left. I, and probably you don’t even know why. I’ll tell you if I find out.

Anyway, since the leader of Group B said that you’ll have to do better than that. You decided to look at the list of the codes again. You looked at the second code. It said “mega pump ****** MPPQR6QR”. So you typed in MPPQR6QR and you squeezed the trigger... Bzzt! Pow! - Pow! - Pow! - Pow! This was much better than the hydro-pump. The mega-pump had done it. The mega-pump had knocked down 50 buildings in a row like dominoes. Then you aimed at any buildings you could see and kept shooting. In about 2 minutes, you had destroyed half of Group B. Then the leader came into view again. You aimed for him again and squeezed the trigger. This time it worked. The blast was too powerful for him. He got swept away by the force and crashed into 5 other Haliens. When he got up, he said “all right, all right, you win the war”. After he said that you could hardly walk as you went to your 35X39 mini-jet.

Chapter 7 The End Of The Adventure

Once you got back to Group A, the peoplie there gave you lots of presents after you told them Group A won the war. They also improved your rocket so that you could get back to earth in about 3 minutes. And when you left, you celebrated on the rocket.

Then when you got back to earth, you gave the scientists and other people who needed it the anti-hydro-minox-aloe-ide and went back to home, where you spent the rest of your peaceful life.